Technology makes it possible for you to read this Philadelphia consumer protection blog post from anywhere in the world. Technology also makes it possible for debt collectors to pursue alleged debts with a relentlessness that was previously impossible.A judge with the...
Month: August 2016
Delaware Title Loans: Good News and Bad News
I have good news and bad new to report in my new ongoing series regarding unlawful Title Loans. The good news is that we were able to help a victim recently and obtained a significant recovery for her and did so very quickly. She was more than grateful.Her story was...
Debt collection nightmare begins with a cookie
Seven in the morning is a little early for most of us to hear a knock on the front door. Rich Snapp didn't know the person banging on his door on a Wednesday morning nearly a year ago, and the stranger certainly didn't come bearing glad tidings. Instead, Snapp was...
Dealer Fraud: Dealer Congressman Trying to Game System
You can take the man out of the dealer, but you can't take the dealer (delaer fraud) out of the man - or so it seems. The Washington Post recently reported about how a dealer turned Congressman has continued his unscrupulous practices.The post reported that Congress'...
Unlawful Employment Background Checks and Fair Credit Reporting
There is a major area of Fair Credit Reporting that most people do not associated with Credit Reporting at all. Many good people are denied employment unlawfully, because of a blemish on his/her criminal record. Usually they did not something immature, rash and stupid...
Debt collection regulation enhancements proposed
Far too often, we have heard of abusive debt collection practices here in Philadelphia. Collectors can issue threats, use profanities, make false or misleading statements and harass people at their jobs.The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recently submitted a...

Witnesses Needed
Searching for persons with information or complaints about a number of banks, dealerships, repossession agents and debt collectors
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