If you owe creditors money, you probably are upset about it. Most of the time people find themselves in that situation because they are unable to make the payments. When creditors start calling, asking about what is owed, it can make an already difficult situation...
Month: September 2015
Dealer Fraud: VW Dieselgate
At this point, I expect that everyone has heard a little something about what is being called DieselGate. VW is in big trouble. VW is accused of programming many of its models to provide false data during emission testing. Misrepresenting vehicle characteristics and...
Dealer Fraud: Signs of a Bad Deal
I have written in the past about dealers trying offer the best deal - the best deal for them not for you. Based on a couple of recent calls, I think it's a good time to review -- because this is one of the most common forms of dealer fraud.Dealers love to "arrange"...
Dealer Fraud: Flood Vehicles Flood the Market
The Pennsylvania Attorney General recently issued a press release providing some recommendations for avoiding flood vehicles. According to the Federal Trade Commission, recent flooding in the Midwest and Southeast could spell trouble for car buyers throughout the...
Dealership accused of violating Consumer Protection Law settles
In today’s society many people in the state of Pennsylvania rely upon motor vehicles to get from one place to another. Depending on a variety of reasons, residents could decide to either lease or buy a vehicle. Because cars are expensive it is important that when...
Dealer Fraud: Research Vehicles On-Line; Don’t Buy Online
I get more and more calls about vehicles purchased on-line. Especially through eBay or Craigslist. In my experience, if a vehicle is offered for sale on eBay or Craigslist, this alone is a red-flag. This is especially true, if a dealer is offering the vehicle through...
Witnesses Needed
Searching for persons with information or complaints about a number of banks, dealerships, repossession agents and debt collectors
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