Many automobile dealerships and car salespersons across the country, including in Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania, are of course painstakingly honest in their dealings with consumers. They are acutely aware of the value of trust and work hard to earn it, and they deal conscientiously with buyers thereafter to retain it.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said routinely about industry participants, with stories emerging regularly to indicate that many bad actors in the auto dealer universe purposefully take advantage of consumers by engaging in myriad unlawful and fraudulent activities.
If you are a Pennsylvania resident who has purchased multiple automobiles from dealerships over a number of years, you might have some personal stories to tell regarding dealer actions that you found objectionable or misleading in some way. You would certainly not be alone in that regard, with many other people also having tales to tell that go far beyond instances of mere hard bargaining and dealer obstinacy regarding price.
Fraud occurs across a wide spectrum of deceptive practices in the auto industry, and would-be buyers are often oblivious to it until after a sale has been finalized and they suddenly become aware that they paid for illusory promises.
No defrauded consumer needs to stand helpless and passive before a bad-faith salesman’s fraudulent tactics. Strong legal remedies are available that hold dealers accountable for the deceit they practiced to close a sale.
Our law firm protects consumers from dealer fraud. We are aided in doing so by close knowledge of the many ways that important details regarding a vehicle can be misrepresented.
For information about our firm and its rigorous representation of clients who have been defrauded in the purchase of a vehicle, please visit our Philadelphia Auto Dealer Fraud page.