There has been a recent development that shows just how important is good regulation in combatting Dealer Fraud. Some time ago, AutoNation, the nation’s largest new vehicle retailer, announced that it would not sell any vehicles, new or used, unless and until all safety recalls were corrected.
I know that that sounds like common sense. You probably thought there was already regulations prohibiting dealers from selling vehicles with open safety recalls. There is not.
Everyone applauded AutoNation when it pledged not to retail any vehicles with open recalls. As well we all should have. It was a significant step in the right direction.
Well, guess what? Based on the recent election results, AutoNation has announced that it will start right up selling used vehicles with open recalls.
Why? Is it just my opinion that AutoNation changed its mind based on the election and politics? Am I guessing?
AutoNation admits it. That’s right. Due to the anticipated hostility to good regulation of the new administration and the party in control of congress, AutoNation is not even shy about saying that is exactly the reason it changed its policy.
AutoNation’s CEO, Mike Jackson stated:
“It’s been a very difficult journey, but with the Trump administration there’s no way that that issue is going to be addressed from a regulatory point of view.”
AutoNation previously touted its pledge not to retail vehicles with open recalls and even included it in advertising messages.
Jackson said then that any sale of an unrepaired vehicle “is not a responsible solution. You’re just kicking the can to somebody else.”
You can see the entire report by pointing your browser here:
If you or someone close to you has been the victim of dealer fraud, then you or they should contact a qualified attorney right away.