When it comes to credit, there are multiple reasons why it is important to make sure your score is good. In addition to making it possible to secure a loan to purchase a large asset, it could have other, collateral consequences as well. It is possible the information included in a consumer report could impact the ability of someone to secure a job.
Among other things, the Fair Credit Reporting Act is designed to make sure the information communicated about a person on a consumer report is accurate. When a party violates the FCRA the person who is on the receiving end of that violation could take legal action against that party.
A Pennsylvania man recently did this very thing. The man alleges that General Information Service Inc., violated the FCRA when it reported information that was derogatory and false about him. That information was allegedly placed on the man’s consumer report. In his lawsuit, the man claims that the information provided in his consumer report was not true. In addition, he claimed that the information caused his employment with the U.S. Postal Service, to be delayed.
Because that delay led the man to experience embarrassment, humiliation and emotional distress, the man is seeking damages. Specifically, in the lawsuit the man seeks punitive, statutory and actual damages along with attorney fees. He requested a jury trial.
While employment issues may not be the first thing that comes to mind when people think about the FCRA, as this case illustrates it could be the basis of a lawsuit. A lawyer can help determine if this approach makes sense.