Too many dealers will do anything to make a sale. Especially a financed sale. Including coaxing folks into fudging credit applications. I received several calls this week regarding this terrible form of Dealer Fraud.
A large franchise dealer had coaxed one consumer to use his old employment information, because he had just changed jobs. The consumer trusted the dealer finance manager that it was no big deal. His income had actually gone up in his new job. But banks consider time of employment very significant, because it signals stability.
When the bank later rejected the deal, the dealer demanded the return of the vehicle and refused to return the down payment. The dealer denied having coaxed the consumer to use the old employer information. The dealer threatened the consumer with the signed false credit application.
Similarly, one of the other callers was coaxed by another large franchise dealer into stating a longer time with her current employer. She too had recently changed jobs. She had actually worked for the new employer in the past. The dealer convinced her it was okay to add the old and new time with the employer into one larger number.
When the bank later rejected the deal the dealer demanded the vehicle back and blamed her. The consumer told them that she had just done as they had told her. They started calling her father and claiming she had lied to them.
The moral of the story is that you cannot ever trust a dealer. If a dealer ever tries to coax you to do or say anything that is not true, LEAVE. Don’t fudge a credit application.
If this has happened to you, then you should contact an attorney right away. Depending on the circumstances, there may be something that can be done.
If you think you have been the victim of Dealer Fraud or any other kind of fraud, then you should contact a qualified attorney right away.